Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Introducing the Benny Awards!

Today marks an important day for the DCUMD blog, and for the entire DC United franchise in general. It is the day that we unveil the new gimmick that may soon become this blog's trademark. That's right, it's the Benny Awards! (also known as the Bennies)

Over the course of the rest of the season, each Tuesday we will release a new award category, and you the reader will be able to vote. There will be 10 categories overall, and for each category, you will be able to vote through the remainder of the year (meaning you'll have more time to vote on some than others). And to all the players out there who are thinking about it, you can't vote for yourself (ha!)

The categories will be...
1. The Richie - Winner: Clyde Simms
2. The Nelly - Winner: Louis Crayton
3. The Convey - Winner: Ryan Cordeiro
4. The Donnety - Winner: Zach Wells and Jose Carvallo
5. The Grosy - Winner: Santino Quaranta
6. The Freddy - Winner: Santino Quaranta
7. The Harkesy - Winner: Ben Olsen
8. The Popie - Winner: Bryan Namoff
9. The Etchy - Winner: Jaime Moreno
10. The Benny - Winner: Jaime Moreno
(updated with results 11/25/08)

What does all that mean? You'll just have to check in next week to find out.


Anonymous said...

I guess I vote for Ben Olsen for the first "Bennie" award. I was lucky enough to be in attendance at the NY game where he likely played the last 15 minutes of his career.

Since he totally dominated the game for those 15 minutes, with about 2 touches total, I think he sets the bar high for injured-players-at-end-of-career-taking-up-valuable-roster-slot, which should be the criteria for future "Bennie" awards IMO.


Catherine Lucia said...

What, no Jaime? The way the commentators say it, it really is the Highmey;)

Anonymous said...

I nominate Franco Niell for the Richie (if the Richie is what I think it is, and is presented in the Mines of Moria by Gimli and a half-dozen of his closest friends ;-)

Juani said...

LOL Shatz, this is funny. I found this article out thanks to blahsports!

Can't wait 'till next week and vote...

Martin Shatzer said...

Nice to see such a strong reception for the Benny Awards before they even start.

No Jaime because the award names are restricted to former players, the lone exception being of course the namesake of the entire thing. Jaime will certainly be nominated in a few categories though.

Fullback and Berwyn, you guys are on the right track with what the awards are all about, but those aren't quite the correct category definitions. You'll see next week.